Man held for extorting as fake Al-Queda—Pokhara: A person as a fake Al-Quada member has extorted around 3.3 million Nepali rupees from a college promoter in Nepal. Disguising himself as a journalist, Baikuntha Belbase from Arghakhanchi district involved in extortion from the name of six different underground organizations.

Al-Queda World Union- South Asia Nepal was one of his medium for that task. Belbase was arrested by Metropolitan City Police Kathmandu. He had written letters to a college promoter intimating for five times to receive that amount of money.

As Belbase reiterated his task on college promoter, the promoter complained in a police. Belbase used to maintain relationship with entrepreneurs as a journalist at first and used to ask for their cell phone numbers. Then, Belbase asked for advertisement and money. Earlier he was arrested in a kidnap charge and had served 27 months in a jail.


Published on: October 17, 2016 9:09 am

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