Recentfusion.com–Pokhara: Sikles is the Nepal’s first village that had adopted the concept of eco-tourism in Nepal. Assisted by Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP), the concept of environment friendly tourism however couldn’t be furnished due to various regions. Ghalekharka to Sikles via Tara Hilltop is still one of the famous trekking routes in Annapurna Region.
Sikles lies at an altitude of about 2,000 meters above the sea level. Being one of the largest Gurung Villages in Nepal, it is widely famous for its well-maintained rustic flair that vibrates from a traditional Gurung Settlement. The ACAP office, a secondary school and health post, few hotels, communication and internet services, as well as micro hydro electricity projects are part of this village.
According to ACAP, traditional mode of settlement, Maudhu, the sacred religious site, Hugu, the wildlife hotspot, Kahfuche glacier lake, Rishing Danda (hillpoint) and Kohla-Sothar are situated in and around the Sikles. It takes around 4 to 5 hours off-road drive from Kahukhola of touristy town Pokhara to get to Sikles. One hour drive from Kahukhola to Chansu then five hour walk is another alternative to reach to Sikles.
Sikles is also a gateway to Doodh Pokhari (Milky Lake), a sacred lake in the junction of Kaski, Lamjung and Manang. Wild honey hunting, flora and fauna and greenery are some of the attractions of the village.
According to social worker and former teacher Suraj Gurung, Sikles is also famous for the close eye view of Annapurna and the live avalanches. Chill but sunny environment, forest of rhododendron and friendly people are also the jewels of Sikles. There are around five lodges in Sikles which also offers the homestay facility– Gehendra Gurung, teacher from Sikles informs.
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