Recentfusion.com—Pokhara: Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City (PSMC) Office has proposed 1.28 billion rupees budged for the upcoming fiscal year 2074/075 today.
PSMC Chief Executive Officer Naba Raj Dhungana announced that amount of budget which was endorsed by 21st assembly of PSMC. The budged that CEO Dhungana proposed is more by 47.12 percent than last year budget.
The Budget was allocated as 560 million rupees for infrastructure development, 370 million for social development, 90 million for agriculture, forest and environment, 220 million for administration and 30 million for land and irrigation.
The budget aims to collect 170 million from local tax, 50 million from service fees, 155 million from manners and 240 millions from other income. 620 million rupees are projected as Inland Revenue while 659 million from outside.
Skill development of consumer committees, feasibility study, traffic management, building construction, PPP projects, beautifications are some of the continuous programs that are included this time too. Street solar light installation, conservation of Phewa Lake, feasibility study of ring road, flyover and greater Pokhara are also the programs that are incorporated in the budget.
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