Recentfusion.com—Pokhara: All total 55 tourists from 15 different nations took part in the 10th Bhai Tika Festival organized by Western Regional Hotel Association (WRHA) Pokhara in Lakeside on Tuesday.
The festival which was organized on the occasion of Tihar, the second largest festival of Nepal, is a regular and annual event which has been organizing by WRHA Pokhara to promote the tourism of Nepal through traditional Nepali culture, for years.
According to event coordinator Rajendra Dhakal, some of the participants of festival repeatedly arrived here to take part in that festival. ‘It is a very good sign for the development and promotion of Nepali tourism,’ said Dhakal who is also a treasurer of WRHA Pokhara and the MD of Hotel Glacier Pokhara.
According to Keshav Raj Pahari, the joint coordinator of event, dozens of tourists showed their enthusiasm to take part in that festival but WRHA only included certain number of tourists because of the limitation of management part.
All total tourists from seven nations including Australia and Holland came twice or more than that time to take part in the festival. Hiltje Van from Netherland was one of those who came 2nd time to take part in that festival. ‘Bhai Tika Festival is amazing festival for me,’ she added- it feels wonderful when I took part in that event.
WRHA Pokhara Chairman Bharat Raj Parajuli said that the Bhai Tika Festival is one of the biggest tools that they are using to promote the tourism of Pokhara including of whole Nepal. Tourists from USA, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Bulgeria, Netherland, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Switzerland, Korea, UK and Brazil including other nations took part in the festival.
Tourists received Bhai Tiak from the students of Rainbow Children Home. Participants also got some gifts from the sister who offered Tika to their foreign brother or sister. Instead, students received some cash money from their foreign brothers and sisters. Meanwhile, participants enjoyed traditional Nepali foods, snacks, Deusi Bhailo songs including Nepali cultural dances following their participation after paying USD 15.
The event which was supported by Carlsberg, Hotel Glacier and the Harbor Restaurant was promoted by Nepal Tourism Board.

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