Recentfusion.com–Pokhara: Two-day long training on entrepreneurship development and e-commerce has kicked off in Pokhara on Sunday.
All total 36 tourism entrepreneurs including tourism staffers from Pokhara are participating in the training organized by Pokhara Tourism Council (PTC). Supported by International Labor Organization (ILO) Japan and promoted by Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), the training will reflect the recent trend of digital marketing, entrepreneurship and e-commerce, informed PTC President Som Bahadur Thapa.
According to PTC Vice President Chiranjibi Pokhrel, his organization has been working for economic prosperity by sustainable tourism development, for years. Robin Boustead from UK, Prakash Neupane, Ghanashyam Khanal and Dr. Sushil Kandel are the key trainers of the sessions, informed Ramu Gautam, PTC General Secretary.
Speaking in a program PTC Adviser and former president Ganesh Bahadur Bhattarai said that the service delivery, skilled manpower, promotion and conservation of natural resources including heritages are the main issues of Pokhara tourism.
He also recalled that the 80 percent of total goods and food grains are imported either from India or other countries. ‘It is very ironic to import such a huge percent of goods and food grains from outside’ he added–investment in tourism is going up but number of tourist arrival is being down, it’s very unfortunate.
Nepal Mountaineering Association Annapurna Chapter president Krishna Kafle and Embroidery and Garment Association Pokhara president Puskal BahadurThapa were felicitated for being elected as president in their respective organization, during the training inaugural.

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