Recentfusion.com–Pokhara : Timi Nabhaye (without you), a Nepali movie by Hungry Eye Film Production is going to be release soon.
Performed by Som Gurung, Sabina Gurung, Anuta Gurung, Youbin Jung Gurung, Biswas Gurung, Sanam Gurung, Pratima Gurung, You Jung Gurung and Gauri Gurung, the movie is directed by Naujung Gurung.
This movie was produced by Master Ganesh Bahadur Gurung, Kishor Gurung, Anu Gurung, Pratap Gurung, Sanotsh Gurung and Dambar Jung Gurung. The production unit has informed that the movie is scheduled to release on July 1 in Hongkong and on July 10 in Nirmaya Rodhi Ghar UK. Later the movie is going to be released in Nepal.
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