Recentfusion.com–Pokhara: Pokhara Tourism Council (PTC) has begun a week-long promotional campaign in northeast Indian cities–Silguri, Darjeeling and Gangtok today. A 17 member team has left for Indian cities to promote the Pokhara in International market, informed Som Bahadur thapa, PTC chairman.
Supported by Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), the campaign aims to extend the relationship to Eastern Himalaya Travel and Tour Operator Association (EHTTOA) which is an umbrella organization of entrepreneurs from 6 northeast states of India.
After last year’s April 12 massive earthquake and recent Indian blockade, the number of tourist arrival to Pokhara is severely down, so according to entrepreneurs, this promotional campaign will help to boost the tourism of Pokhara.
Some 1/3 number of total tourist arrival of Nepal is Indians and the Indian tourists come to Pokhara for religion visit and to skip the saver heat of Indian environment. After the visit of northeast Indian cities, the campaign is believed to be a reason of increment of Indian Tourists in Nepalese tourism industry.
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